
Bien Air PM 1:2

Bien Air PM 1:2

1:2 speed increasing straight handpiece for implantology

Ideal for wisdom tooth extraction

Features external irrigation system with sterile disposable tubing, to comply with the highest hygiene standards in oral surgery

The high rotational speed reduces cutting time (12 seconds to completely section a tooth), while significantly reducing the force required

The PM 1:2 is also equipped with a bur guard preventing fluid infiltration in both the handpiece and the motor. The risk of overheating and premature handpiece failure is significantly minimised.

1 year warranty

Order code:  1600436-001


Please note we cannot supply this item to customers in USA and Canada.  Order received from these regions will be refunded less a 15% administration charge.

£718.80 incl. VAT
£599.00 ex. VAT


Bien Air PM 1:2

1:2 speed increasing straight handpiece for implantology

Ideal for wisdom tooth extraction

Features external irrigation system with sterile disposable tubing, to comply with the highest hygiene standards in oral surgery

High rotational speed reduces cutting time (12 seconds to completely section a tooth), while significantly reducing the force required

Bien Air PM 1:2 1:2 is also equipped with a bur guard preventing fluid infiltration in both the handpiece and the motor. The risk of overheating and premature handpiece failure is significantly minimised.

1 year warranty

Order code:  1600436-001

Technical data:

  • Transmission ratio: 1:2
  • Speed range:  200-80,000 rpm
  • External irrigation on detachable sleeve
  • Bur locking ring system